Täällä Bunny bloggailee seikkailuistaan vaihtarina Japanin Kiotossa! Opiskelen Kyoto Sangyon yliopistossa Japanin kieltä ja kulttuuria syyskuusta 2010 helmikuuhun 2011. Toivottavasti innostut seuraamaan toilailujani täällä nousevan auringon maassa, koska niitä riittää!


torstai 11. marraskuuta 2010

Random facts

Täällä elämä rullaa eteenpän, koulutöitä on paljon mutta vapaa-aikaakin löytyy. Mitään erikoista ei ole tapahtunut, joten sen takia en ole kirjoitellut. Lauantai-aamuna lähdetään Nancyn kanssa Osakaan viikonlopuksi ja olen jo nyt tosi innoissani!! Ollaan yksi yö kapselihotellissa ja suunnitelmissa on paljon shoppailua ja IKEA-reissu! Pääsen syömään lihapullia!^^<3

Mutta juu, blogikirjoituksen pointti on siis vähän copy-pasteata teille hassuja juttuja Japanin kulttuurista!

Eli tästä lähtee:

Mochi (Japanese rice sweet) is extremely chewy and sticky. Each year several people die from choking to death on it when it gets struck in their throat. Most of the victims are older people. The problem is so serious that fire departments are put on alert for mochi emergencies and newspapers report the death toll from mochi-eating, much as American newspaper list holiday traffic deaths. In 1995, 11 people choked to death from eating mochi nationwide and ambulances responded to 28 mochi emergencies in Tokyo alone. [Source: Washington Post]

 Department store elevators girls tell shoppers: "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for favoring us by paying an honorable visit to our store. I will stop at the floor your honorable self is kind enough to use, and then I will go to the top floor." [Source: New York Times] 

Sometimes Japanese close their eyes when they are listening. They are not asleep. They are thinking. Sometimes they are pretending they are thinking but actually sleeping. 

Unusual Japanese products with a cleanliness theme include hair spray that purports to removes sweat and cigarette odor, pills that claim to remove the bad smell from bodily wastes and special hygienic foods for pets.

Despite the efforts that Japanese make towards keeping their bodies clean, they same energy does not go into their homes. Many Japanese homes are cluttered and messy, and have stuff sprawled all over the floors.

 “Herbivorous males” contrast with nikushoku (“carnivorous”) males who chase after women and like macho things. Ojoman (“girlie men”) is a more specific kind Herbivorous male, describing men that have little interest in sex, like to cook and sew and prefer kawaii (cute) things over cool ones.

Japanese often make loud slurping noises when eating noodles. Making noise is not considered impolite, rather, it is considered a compliment and an expression of enjoying the food. One man told AP, "It'll be a truly lonely feeling when nobody makes slurping noises anymore." In some situations, a particularly loud slurp means you've finished eating.

Sometimes a well-timed burp is also taken as a compliment. 

Japan is famous for its realistic plastic replicas of food dishes, which are displayed in the windows of restaurant, snack bars, coffee shops and noodle joints and to let customers know what is on the menu. Plastic food first appeared in the 1920s, when restaurants introduced Western food items and they wanted to show potential customers what the food looked like. [Source: Carol Simons, Smithsonian magazine, March 1984] 

Hello Kitty is not Japanese. According to Sanrio she was born in suburban London in 1974, weighs the same as three apples and loves “small, cute things.” In 2001, the official Hello Kitty fan magazine anounced announced that Hello Kitty has a last name—“White.” 

Susumu Tachi, a professor at Tokyo University, invented a rain coat that makes it wearer look “invisible” by using a camera that films the scene they see behind the wearer and then projects it on the front of the coat, which is covered with tiny reflective beads known as restoreflectors. The technology had military and medical applications.

Turtles are popular pets. They are suited for small Japanese houses. They don’t smell much or make noise and can be kept in fish tanks. Hamsters are popular among children and their popularity increased greatly after the Hamuster cartoon became popular. A surprising number of Japanese have ferrets for pets.

One study found that 25 percent of pet dogs in Japan are overweight. Overfeeding and lack of exercise are blamed. Most dogs are frequently taken on walks but only pushed around in dog strollers or carried around.

There are few laws that protect animals for abuse. Authorities can do little to people who raise animals in inhuman conditions. They can not ban these people from keeping animals or take their animals away with out their consent. There are only four officials in the country that inspect such cases. There was once a case of an elderly man who let 10,000 dogs die over a 10 year period while authorities looked on and did nothing. The man began taking in strays to “save” them but ran out of money and was unable to care for them.

Neko cafes, or cat cafes, are places where people can relax, sip tea or coffee and spend time with cats. Customers pay around ¥800 for the first hour to play with cats.

There are daycare centers for busy people who can’t take of their dogs during the day and nursing homes for elderly or infirm dogs. Dogs Day Care of Japan charges a ¥21,000 admission fee and ¥310,000 for three months for small dogs. The fees cover transportation, meals, trimming and health management expenses. During the day the dogs play indoors and employees take them for walks. Pet Resort Colleges offers to take “responsibility for caring for a pet to the end” for a deposit of ¥300,000 and of a fee of ¥1.5 million for a small- or medium-size dog of the age of eight years old. Customers receive a photo of their pet every month and can visit their pet whenever they like.

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